Posted by : Unknown Saturday, June 29, 2013


                   Artificial intelligence is combination of a computer science, psychology, philosophy, which deals with different fields from machine vision to expert system. This paper gives disciplined description about AI techniques, which explores knowledge and further informs the history and process of development of AI including “HOLY GRAIL” Turing’s test.

                  It enlightens various theories on artificial neural networking, a mimic of human brain including parallel computation and extends its emphasis on Expert systems, Common sense and Fuzzy logic, which are the advanced developments of knowledge-based systems. Here, report exemplifies various applications in fields such as Chess, Robotics, Defense and Revolution in hearing care ( Adapto ™).

                Further more we tried to focus on various researches which are being carried out in different laboratories around the world. This also debates on the existence of AI for future generations. Finally, we have specified the consequences of AI with humanity and ended with an interesting conclusion.

                                    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the area of computer science focusing on creating machines that can engage on behaviors that human considers intelligent. The dream of creating intelligent machine has intrigued humans since ancient times and came into reality with the advent of computers and 50 years of research. These smart machines can mimic human thought, understand speech, beat the best human chess player and countless other feats never before possible, equal or exceed human abilities, and  became an important part of most business and Government operations as well as daily activities having the near future with AI impacting human lives.

              AI is a combination of computer science, physiology, philosophy. AI is the study of the computations that make the machine possible to perceive, reason and act. AI helps in designing smart machines that can “think”.
                            In order to classify machines as thinking it is necessary to define as it embodies all off the knowledge and feats, both conscious and unconscious, which is acquired through study and experience, highly refined sight and sound perception, thought, imagination; the ability to converse, read, drive a car, memorize and recall facts, express and fell emotions and much more just like remembering a face not seen for thirty or more years, or to build and send rockets to the moon. It is those capabilities that set homosapiens a part from other forms of living things. Hence, researches in the fields to satisfy the conditions and requirements have aided scientists in building intelligent machines which is one of the most challenging approaches facing experts in building systems that mimic the behavior of human brain, made up of billions of neurons and arguably the most complex matter is in the universe.

HISTORY OF AI                
                                       Evidence of artificial intelligence folklore can be traced back to ancient Egypt, but with the development of the electronic computer in 1941, the technology finally became available to create machine intelligence with the invention of an electronic means of processing data, which made AI possible. It is found that one of the most certified tests for intelligent behaviour is the ability to communicate effectively. Indeed this was the purpose of the test consisting of a person asking questions via keyboard to both a person and an intelligent machine. This test has become the ‘HOLY GRAIL’ of the AI community.
                                NEWELL and SIMON developed the logic theory, considered by many to be the first AI program representing each problem as a tree model. In 1956 John McCarthy regarded as the father of AI organized a conference named “The Dartmouth summer research project on artificial intelligence”, which brought together the founders in AI and served to lay the ground work for the future of AI research. From the researches made for the development of AI it is found that neural networks in AI act as a mimic to that of the networking in human brain.

                                    In the quest to create intelligent machines the field of AI has split into several different approaches based on the opinions about the most promising methods and theories with two approaches; bottom-up and top-down. Bottom-up theorists believe the best way to achieve AI is to build electronic replicas of the human brains complex network of resources, while the top-down approaches attempts to mimic the brains behavior with computer programs.

                        The human brain is made up of a web of billions of cells called neurons and understanding its complexities is seen as one of the last frontiers in scientific research. It is the aim of AI research that prefers this bottom-up approach the construct electronic circuits that act as neurons do in the human brain. Although much of the working of the brain remains unknown, the complex networks of neurons are what give human intelligent characteristics. The average human brains weighs about 3.3 pounds and contains an estimated no 1012 neurons. The neurons and their inter connection capabilities provide about 1014 bits of potential storage capacity. But it self-neurons is not intelligent but when grouped together neurons are able to pass electronic signals together networks. The neurons ‘firing’ passes a signal to the next in the chain. Research has shown that a signal received by a neuron travels through the dendrite region and down the axon separating nerve cells is a gap called the synapse in order for the signal to be transferred to the next neuron the signal must be converted from electrical energy. The signal can then be received by the next neuron and processed.
                        An important back of mathematics logic binary numbers were also the basis of the AI this is the basis of computer simulated neural networks also know as parallel computing
                        McCulloch and Pitts, using Boole’s principles wrote a paper on neural network theory. It state that one of the level of single neuron the release of failure to release an impulse was the basis by which the brain makes true/false decisions using the idea of feedback theory. Their theory showed how the firing of signals between connected neurons cause the brain to make decisions. McCulloch and Pitts theory is the basis of the artificial neural network theory.
                        With new top-down methods becoming popular parallel computing up put on hold. Now rural network are making a return and same researches believe that with new computer architectures parallel computing and the bottom theory will be a during factor in creating AI. These theories touched on some of the main methods used to create intelligence. These approaches have been applied to different systems using variety of programs, which are based on knowledge.

Knowledge is defined as the body of facts and principles accumulated by human kind or the act. Generally the limited usage of laws and axioms were less effective in solving problems of any complexity. These realizations eventually led to the design known as knowledge based systems.
                        Knowledge based systems get their power from the expert knowledge that has been coded into fact rules, heuristics and procedures.. The knowledge based systems were real world problem solvers, tackling tasks such as determining complex chemical structures of atomic constituents and mass spectra data from samples of the compounds and later performing diagnosis of infectious blood diseases.
Further researches on the knowledge based systems inferences the fields such as
1.      Experts systems
2.      Common sense
3.      Fuzzy logic                       
                        Expert systems, one of the developments of knowledge based systems; solve problems that are normally solved by human experts which require a kind of intelligence and reasoning mechanism. To solve expert level problems, expert systems need access to a substantial domain knowledge base, which was built as efficiently as possible.
                         The most widely used way of representing knowledge in expert systems is as a set of production rules. For example, say the situation was birthday party. A system could call on its birthday frame and use the information contained in the frame to apply the situation. The system knows that there is usually cake and presents because of the information contained in the knowledge frame. The use of frames also allows the system to add knowledge. Experts systems are even applicable in forecasting weather
        Because of the large storage capacity computers ranging in 1012, expert systems had the potential to interpret statistics in order to solve the problem like a detective solves a mystery. For example, charts like these represent the logic of Expert systems.
 Expert systems have the power and range to aid to benefit and some cases replace humans and human experts, if used with discretion will benefit human kind.
             Computers have entirely deserved reputation for lacking common sense. A number of techniques can be used to enable an AI program to represent and reason with common sense knowledge. Non – atomic logic’s can support default reasoning, an important aspect of common sense. As of yet, no program can match the common sense reasoning powers. This is due, impart to the large amount of knowledge required for common sense. Memory is another key aspect to common sense.
·         MEMORY ORGANIZATION       Memory is central to common sense behavior. Memory is also the basis for learning. A system that cannot learn cannot, in practice, posse common sense. Psychology and AI seek to address these issues. It is difficult to know which script is retrieve. It is hard to modify a script. More recent work reduces script individual ‘scenes’, which can be made shade across multiple structures.
·         CASE – BASED REASONING Computer systems that solve new problems by analogy with old ones are often called as case – based reasoning (CBR). A CBR system draws its power from a large case library, rather than from a set of basic principles. A general CBR system must be able to learn a proper set of indices from experience. The idea is to starts solving problems with a heuristic search engine.
                        Fuzzy logic acts as an alternative for representing some kinds of uncertain knowledge. It is possible to define a reasoning system based on techniques for combining distributions. Such reasoning’s have been applied in control systems as Simplified control of Robots
(a)    Software design for industrial projects
(b)   Prediction for early recognition of earth quakes.

            The study of issue of AI for quit some time now made to know all the terms and facts related to it. But what is really needed to know is what can be done to get human hand on some AI today. AI with its learning capabilities can accomplish these tasks. The advanced applications of AI are
Ø  ROBOTICS The applications of automatic machines to perform tasks are traditionally done by humans. Many are now capable of simple decision making with out the intervention of operator using AI techniques. Some of the latest and advanced robots that can be seen are  :  Frog bout Robot, Jumping Robot
Ø  CHESS AI based game playing programs combine intelligence with entertainment. On game with strong AI ties is chess. World chess champion playing programs can seen ahead twenty plus moves in advance for each move they make. In three minutes, Deep thought considers 126 million moves, while human chess master on average considers less than 2 moves.

§  AI  IN DEFENSE     The military put AI based hardware to the test of war during desert storm. AI based technologies in missile systems, heads up displays and other advancements.

§   AI REACHING THE EAR According to press reports on October 20th 2001 in New Zealand, Oticon had launched the first AI hearing aid that works like a human ear. Adpoto ™ is a hearing aid that understands peoples, containing a host of cutting edge software including voice activation. It may sound quite simple. It not only recognizes but priorities human speech signals over others sounds in the environment.

Many famous research institutes around the world are undertaking the important advanced researches related to AI. Some of those researches are:
 q  ROBOTICS Coco is a small ape like robot, to explore humanoid intelligence. It requires large amount of parallel computation in order to support rich real time and multi – model sensory input and complex behavioral output.
Current Researches on Coco at Present:
Ø  Brain infra structure for coco
Ø  A mobile coco for social interaction
Ø  Medial axis representation for the analysis of human shaping image.  
Some other famous Robots are COG, KISMAT, and MACACO.

q  MEDICAL VISION GROUP:   Its goal is to develop new algorithms for medical images analysis and visualization of medical imaginary as well as to build vision based system for surgical navigation and surgical planning. In this project “Image Guided System”, “Medical Image Analysis” and “Visualization” are the main three categories.

q  PROJECT ARIES:    Today’s parallel machines suffer from unvarying degrees from poor programmability, inadequate network performance and limited scalability. The Aries research group is exploring novel processor, network and software constructs to overcome these limitations.

            In the coming decades one should not expect that human race will become extinct and be replaced by AI. One can expect that classical AI will go on producing more and more sophisticated applications in restricted domains. But any time one can expect common sense will continue to be disappointed may even in the past. At vulnerable points these will continue to be exposed as “blind automata”. In conclusion, we won’t see full AI in human lives, but should live to get a good feel for whether are not it is possible and how it could be achieved by our descendants. At last it can be said, “AI is possible…but it won’t happen”.

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